Monthly Archives: July 2012

technology for apes. Duh!



 every time l use my wonderful computer software, thatdoes not work, and my google search chrome, that doesn’t work, and files -Security firewall, and Dragon Naturally,.S peaking software to dictate, which Always does not work, I am reminded that we are_still apes with software that we invented, that does not work. As you can tell by this Hewlet Packard computer scribe that does not work.that what all the wonderful cell phones, modems,CPUS, and great tech-science is, is technology for apes.

 WHY do we have so much stress, pain, anger. , exhaustion, insanity breakdowns? We invent flawed, bad software, with complex-engineer instructions for APES to use! You’re not imagining your stress and anger; you’re a chimpanzee with everyday filled with big monster tech work, and function, invented by machines, FOR MACHiNeS, and not invented for You!

 the only” people” who can do this junk are computer-nerds, who are little perfect machines, and not really people. their brains donot work like ape. -peoples brains; its no wonder you the relative to the chimp, can’t use, or understand the stuff or use is just not MADE for you and fellow.chimps to use!yes it was invented for a completely different type of brain to use, 

Example,lam 64yrs, old,cameto computers Late in life and my computer-repairguy says l  am far more,advanced than most of his elderly or middle aged clients who use computers. He gives me instructions that I can do, that the rest of his clients can’t do. I have to ask him for advice all the time, but it’s because apparently I go much further and get in trouble. I have an IQ of 140, which is the beginning of the genius range, and I still have trouble with software and computers, and functioning, and I have never learned HTML, or code. I’m just a user. So if a mature adult with hundred and 40 IQ, has trouble learning and operating one of these stupid technological whiz kids, what are the rest of you who are struggling along with about 83, not higher than 93, IQ doing? You would not think that a little more than 40 points would do much. But it does seem to. Not only that, I use it.

Even in school, I was the thinker and the grade maker, and had a very logical mind. I was the only one of my age, who could actually program accurately my VCRs. All the other people my age, even comedians on TV, all complained they could not program their VCRs correctly! It wasn’t really the fault of the human beings trying to do it; it was the fault of the engineers who invented them without real human instructions. The understanding of programming your VCR, is like a very simple computer program, and you are instructing it in code to do something. And engineers just can’t get it through their brains, that all the rest of the brains of the United States and the world, don’t work like theirs, and don’t get it, without well written instructions.

And believe me, they are not well written instructions any time in any of this technology. They are being written by a bunch of dumkoffs.

so it’s really a big failure, and that’s why the majority of the population is going around all day long every day with a big headache, hypertension, and that inevitable health problem of technology, STRESS. A lot of them have to deal with, or have to use technology and its instruments every single day in their work. As a result, a lot of people in a highly technological industrial civilization, gain a great deal of weight to offset the stress. There are other things they do, like get addictions, drink too much, use drugs, get violent, beat their wives, get divorced, get alienated, and basically just get worn out ahead of time before they’re even old.

we are in a war between two different types of Homo sapiens; the ones that invent and use technology, with different brains, and the ordinary every day Homo sapiens, with the old-style Homo sapiens brain that runs on instinct, and not logic and far, the nerds are winning. They’re not likely to lose in the future either; if we keep up all this stupid technological advancement every single life will be covered more and more with it, and only the eventuality of “world climate change” and its disastrous effects on the planet and human beings, will actually railroad it. And that is very highly possible.

And how is the future of world climate change going to affect the technological world? Well let’s put it this way; you have to have advanced enough civilizations and societies, to make power to keep technological instruments going, and to keep the maintenance. In other words, you have to have enough power and energy and the human beings that do it, have to be supported by a stable society. If those societies become very unstable and fall apart, a lot of your technology will go with it. Electricity; that has to be regularly maintained repaired, and new grids and electrical systems in the world, and in cities and countries and states, as well as communication lines.

Exit the repair man and maintenance men; exit the electricity; exit the power of the society, and the power of its stability. Exit food, clothing, and a roof over the heads of the population that runs this, and gets the electricity and power for the nerds, and you have a result of nonsupport of technology. Imagine the world and United States, in a world climate change future, where nobody can raise food, because of the horrible weather (already happening in the state of Oregon in the United States, we just can’t raise food here anymore)so everyone starts starving to death. Only the very wealthy at the top will have food. And they’ll probably be the only ones with any advanced communications systems.

So as much as I hate the very imperfect and badly made technology today, that we are forced to swallow just to function in our regular lives,it is a very big possibility that way in the future will lose a great deal of it due to the society is breaking down, not having any food, or power, or stability.of course I will miss swearing constantly and having to correct constantly Dragon NaturallySpeaking version number 11, because it’s so incredibly bad in dictation accuracy and function, even worse than version number nine, but I don’t look forward to not having enough to eat all the power breaking down, and the crime getting out of control. (Please see my other post on the Eugene Oregon Safeway burglary food disaster catastrophe, where out-of-control food shoppers took over the store and raped it.)

In Oregon And Especially Lane County, hideous crime and burglary happens every single day,and with further breakdown of society and loss of any management at the top to keep the system running, I can expect that we might lose a few billion people to outright starvation, thirst, and war and violence. Not being able to get enough food does do all that.

What does world climate change, and the breakdown of society have to do directly with technology and the ape-man? This ranting and raving began with my hatred for very flawed badly made and badly explained technology, that doesn’t really fit us. Amazingly, our wonderful technology and its advances, have not helped us in this area, either to recognize world climate change, and prepare for it, or to even admit that it exists. No countries or people are really taking it seriously and preparing in rational ways, for the future.

The reason is, our good old ape brain. A nice sensible instinctive ape, is not going to see all those advanced symptoms of world climate change and disaster, coming so far away. That far in the future to the good old ape brain, doesn’t matter. He would tend to ignore it, or even not recognize it, or regard any remark about it, as ridiculous because he can’t really comprehend it.

We think that human beings in the modern world are a lot more intelligent than that; but the real truth is the majority of the people on the planet are greatly like apes, they cannot conceive of disasters of that great proportion, and admit that they could happen. Apparently, our ape brains still can’t plan very much for the future of reality. We still can’t deal with it, or even recognize it, or even admit it’s real. Our brain tells us, as long as we are happy today, to not worry about tomorrow and tomorrow food and drink.except for a handful of very intelligent people, who of course are not in power over countries, the bulk of our leaders and politicians are just as stupid and ape thinking as their voters and citizens.

Once again I have written too much and you’re not going to read it anyway. But let me end this ranting and raving, and hurting my fingers on computer software that doesn’t work, and say that yes, our technology will be greatly affected by world climate change eventually. If it doesn’t break down entirely, they will become greatly limited. At least for most of us. And a lot of us are going to DIE anyhow in future disasters. Nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to admit that the huge population we have, isn’t SUSTAINABLE. We can’t keep billions of people alive! So a lot of them are going to perish as food becomes scarce, water is gone,or polluted,and the severe climate weather changes hurt and damage us.

a very superior type of being, who could see the future calmly and rationally, and plan for it and do those plans and carry them out, does not exist in this planet. There are probably only a few of them, a handful and they would have to gang up together and go out in their own little far-off place, and manage it by themselves.even these people, will have a lot of psychological trouble, dealing with these catastrophes.I’m sure they would by this time,love to have the technology so they could communicate with each other. But whether it’s going to be available or not, is a moot point.  

so all stop worrying about the tremendously badly made Dragon NaturallySpeaking software, made by Nuance, the I’m constantly having to correct fix and make over.Man is an ape, with more brain than an ape, but still an ape, living by his instincts 99 and 100% of the what if they’re torturing the world with all this technology junk, with that instructions and lots of glitches? Hopefully the nerds will go down with the ship,too, drowning and starving or getting clobbered by weather, just like much of the rest of us with our little inferior ape chimpanzee brains.there either aren’t enough nerds in absolute power, or they’ve been not planning for it., or, more likely, they don’t choose to look at the proble

 this is a lot of fun, philosophizing about the planet dying and billions of people starving to death, but it’s very early in the morning, since I’ve typed all night, and I need to get to bed, to actually go somewhere this afternoon. I will further ignore technology as much as I can, not by any answering machines for my phone, and go to bed without sleeping pills. And I’m also going to ignore technology communication! Put a sign on my CPU that says, “do not disturb”.take that, NUANCE!!……




after the disaster at the Safeway store, where I forgot to lift a box of SpongeBob Band-Aids, along with the pastries I’ve gotten, I went home, looked at the news. By that time, the burning and trashing and burglary and theft of the Safeway store in Eugene, should have been on the TV news. It wasn’t there. It was not mentioned at all. All that fire, and people dragging food out, raiding the place, and all the attendant mayhem and the homeless guy pulling out the handgun, and nothing was mentioned on the evening local news? Wow.

I shouldn’t have been surprised.; I remember when, years ago, my sister and I had gone to the theater during the day, with my mom, in San Francisco in broad daylight. When we went into the lobby of the big theater, there were police all over the place. Nevertheless, we went in to the theater, and sat down where everybody was waiting for the movie to start. But it didn’t start. It never started. Some of the police came in along with the theater manager, and told us that we had to evacuate now, and leave the theater; no movie would be shown.

We finally figured out, yes that’s what was happening, there was a huge big bomb scare all over San Francisco, in all the movie theaters. Even though no one said anything, you could tell. As we left the lobby, and went into the street, caught a bus, to prepare to go to the car, and go back to the suburbs, we saw some of the other movie theaters with police outside, milling about, and all attendant emergency evacuating of all the theaters. They must have had some bomb threat! All the San Francisco city movie theaters were being evacuated, and everybody was spilling out on the streets. I’m sure it wasn’t an earthquake, the police don’t come in and predict there is going to be an earthquake, and get you out of the theater ahead of time!

When we went home, and did the same thing, as I was doing in Eugene, we also had turned on the news, that evening, to see what they said about it, and our little experience. They said absolutely NOTHING. There was NOTHING of any kind, about it on the news anywhere! Not local, not any of the stations, nothing on the noncommercial stations, and there was nothing on the Internet on the tv network or local PBS sites. Everybody was keeping their mouths shut. It was ridiculous because everybody knew what was going on, but the media was being told to not say anything.

Nothing had actually blown up, but they huge threat that day, threatening bomb attacks in all the movie theaters all over the city of San Francisco, and then not having any media anywhere, not even nationally, reported, just made us realize how much the media was censored whenever anything happens, and the powers that be wanted it kept secret. San Francisco did not want that bad publicity! They didn’t want to scare away all the tourists and conferences, so they were keeping their mouths shut. The federal government also had either told them to shut up, or was going along with it, or they were doing the censoring.

Whichever governments it was, the media was completely cooperating like a cute little sweet Kitty that had been matter where I looked, in the future anywhere in print online, or in the regular news sources, that episode was never told to the public. It was ridiculous. Anything could happen in this country, in the United States, and it would never get into the news!

So if an atom bomb went off, in only one area of the country, and they didn’t want everybody else to now, whether it was the local authorities or the federal government, they would just shut  the whole thing up, like it never happened. Just let all the radioactivity and disasters strike, and not tell anyone it happened until they find out reminded me of Chernobyl, when the deadly Chernobyl clouds with all the radiation, traveled all over the planet, and went over California and over the city. All the media had said “don’t worry, there is no harm to anyone there is so little radiation you don’t have to worry.”

we found out later, through of course unofficial sources, that it was a big lie.if you went out in the rain and traveled anywhere that day, that the cloud was supposed to be going over your region, it was just as likely anybody getting exposed, in 30 or 25 or 20 years, was going to get very very serious cancer from it. That’s actually how bad it was. As for anybody around Chernobyl, or that region, of course the Russians were’t going to tell their people. But it looked like the Americans never told there’s either!

I remember being very paranoid at the time, since I was one of those kids that grew up in the shadow of the bomb, being told to hide under my desk if this thing lit on me.apparently maybe they told the same thing to the people in Japan, if they had any indication that it was going to hit Hiroshima. “Oh don’t worry, honey just put on your kimono real quick, and hide under the desk! The nasty old thing won’t get you!”

it’s horrible to realize that you’re not really being paranoid after all, everybody else including the government and the media, is LYING. I wondered how any survivors of Hiroshima felt, probably told to just have two aspirins and a cup of saki, by doctors or medical people afterward,  and being murmured to “don’t worry, everything will be okay.” You know, being told that the hideous sunburn would go away, and so would the raging fever eventually. I think that was the symptoms of radiation poisoning.

So too, nobody in the Oregon news, for Eugene Oregon, was ever going to report by the media, that the town had been ripped open in at least one Safeway store, and everybody had burglarized the hell out of it, stomped all over each other, screamed and pretended they were animals scratching each other for fleas, desperately grabbing all the food they could, running each other over with shopping carts dangerously full, and even butting head on into any police that showed up,running them over and dropping them by the wayside. So much for the guys in blue.

I was still in shock myself because I had participated in it without any warning! Those other people whad been in a whole convoy that had been planned to rob, and take over the store, but I was just an innocent bystander I never planned to run anybody over with a shopping cart for a bunch of pastry! But it didn’t matter, everybody and all the stores in Springfield in Eugene Oregon, were robbing shoplifting all the supermarkets and even Walmart, everywhere, constantly, and not getting caught. It was already an epidemic of theft and shoplifting, having gotten out of control that way. I guess it was only another step up, to burglarizing in broad daylight, without caring if anyone saw you do it, because a whole group of you had descended on a Safeway, together, and had gutted it, and not let any store clerks stop you. I wondered, would the local store clerks and supermarket managers, start carrying shotguns in the place? It was very likely. If that happened, I guess the “mass shoppers” could also one up it, and start carrying AK-47s, or handguns from S&M gun shop on River Road.

you could always get shotguns from bi-Mart in their gun department. True, they check your ID, big deal. Make yourself a zip gun, like gangs do! Me, I had 38 special from Smith & Wesson, I was very comfortable with except the damn thing was so loud and had a kick. Also, I needed to get more practice I needed to go to Emerald Empire gun club, go out on the green and mangle a bunch of targets to hell.It only cost about ten bucks for several hours, and I really needed the practice. If everyone in Oregon was starving, and going without long-burning light bulbs, so badly, it was only going to happen again. I did not want to get stuck in the gigantic warehouse-maw of Winco discount supermarket, some day, with no protection, and an unfamiliar handgun in my purse.

You can get hurt that way; by a thousand mad shoppers! and shoot yourself in the foot accidentally, like one of those idiot cops in the sheriff’s dept, when they’re cleaning their guns!no way was I going to act as stupid as an idiot cop in Eugene Oregon! ….



here I am waiting for the planet to die. What do I do in the meantime?well, I can send a bomb through the mail to Google in Mountain View California, I guess that will be fun for them. They have bomb sniffing dogs there,no it doesn’t really bother them.

But if I send them white powder in an envelope, they start to get a little antsy. That could make them a little nervous, they’re still human beings (I think). They haven’t completely become androids are robots yet, and that stuff like powdered white stuff in envelopes could hurt them physically. So that’s one thing they probably won’t like. It’s only ground-up aspirin. But they don’t know that. I’m having a lot of trouble getting ahold of the real stuff.


Every day I will have to think of something new to do while waiting for the planet to die. I won’t have to wait very long give or take a couple of years or even sooner. For example, since the oceans are dying in the rain forests are dying, together the two make up all the oxygen for the planet that we breathe.

0 By the Way here is an advertisement for NUANCE! THE VERY WORST SOFTWARE FOR DICTATION! NUANCE and Dragon NaturallySpeaking will ruin all of your writing, and all of your letter and business correspondence. You can take it from me, if it’s Nuanc it is trash..

I can see myself now usingDragon NaturallySpeaking, and not having anybody understand the letter. That’s because the stupid junk, made by Nuance actually doesn’t work anymore. Version 9 did work, but version 11 is so bad, it keeps getting worse and worse because they are supposed to send you, all the updates, and they don’t do it unless you leave your computer open and ready and on every single date they want you to leave it open so they can send the updates. Since most people of course cannot do this, you never get Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 11 updates. So the software keeps degrading. For God sakes, don’t buy any of this stuff! Hire a typist instead you’ll still come out ahead.

Oh yes what was I saying what was I doing yesterday, waiting for the planet to die ? (Any huge mistakes in spelling or completely unintelligible writing, you can blame on NUANCE, makers of the worst possible dictation software in the whole planet! Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 11, worse than the Holocaust! And just as unintelligible. If you like, give them a note, and tell them I said for me, I wish to hell they would go to hell. Instead of putting me there.)

At this point this blog is not very witty or fun. Because yesterday, when I was in the neighborhood Safeway, we had a little thing that is happening in our town now, called a “massive convergence on a supermarket.” Everybody knows that there is millions of supermarket shoplifting going on, everywhere, even with all the security cameras on, and they can catch everybody. That’s because everybody has no money to eat, so the only thing to do is go shoplift food, and everything else. So I was in my local bedraggled Eugene Oregon Safeway the other day, trying to look at the canned boondoggle I’ll. You know, the aisle where they keep all the boondoggles. I like to buy boondoggles when I have a few spare change. Which is not often.

Anyhow, there I was trying to figure out how to get enough spare change without begging, to get an extra boondoggle to eat for lunch, because Meals on Wheels no longer had any food left. And I wasn’t at home anyhow. I have let the electricity go out, I couldn’t pay the bill. (I am in the library on their computer writing this and getting online.) Suddenly I noticed that Safeway is quite full of people for this time of day, and this economy. Because usually there isn’t anybody in here, nobody has any money to buy food.

But as I looked up and down the candy aisle, and notice all the little kids looking longingly at the bad plastic licorice, and the overrated Hershey’s bars, that you pay $.60 for for a tiny inch of chocolate, that’s not very good anymore, I noticed that the people in the supermarket looked a little nervous or rattled. They also did not look like the richest people in the world; one of courses is Eugene Oregon, even though it’s owned by the rich people upstairs, and run by them, the most of the population are all poor in Eugene Oregon, and that is the usual thing. But what are they doing in Safeway instead of a discount bargain outlet shopping for dented cans? Was there a super sale on?

Somebody was glancing at the kids and saying, “PISSED! Go ahead, get what you want and put it in the basket and will get out of here!” I looked up to see a very bedraggled mother, with several little kid, and for some reason she was telling him to go ahead for one, and get some candy and put it in the basket. Did you just get her food stamps? That was impossible food stamps were all getting cut. It’s not like they wanted to perpetuate the species of all these poor people after all! So why was she encouraging them to grab all the candy, like they were going to buy it?

I was just turning into another file, to look at the potato chips (just look at them, not by them) and I noticed that another kind of ordinary poor Eugene citizen, jobless then on food stamps then welfare and unemployment, and with the usual five kids, was putting a lot of peanut butter, steak, potato chips, tortilla chips, hot dogs, and other wonderful luxurious goodies, into his basket. That was unusual. You really can’t shoplift that many pieces of food at one time! How was he going to pay for them? Did this person suddenly get bumped into the upper echelon of billionaires who could afford Hebrew national hot dogs? Not likely.

The whispering and rustling of cheap, cracking, drying raincoats, and old jackets, was making the restless all over the store. It looked weird, it sounded weird,; one of both of the checkers were looking uncomfortable. God I hate this stupid fucking software! Can’t we go back to the 50s when they actually had real dictation ware that really works? Instead of the stupid Dragon naturally unspeaking? And yes the store was uncomfortably full, for a week day, when nobody was supposed to be in there because everybody was broken and the rest of them were out looking for work that wasn’t there

. But everybody was doing the same thing, filling up their cards with food, actual real MEAT and things I hadn’t seen for many years. Artichokes! Brussels sprouts! They must be from out of state or even Latin America, because Oregon didn’t grow any food anymore.. The weather was so horrible, nobody could get any sun, or good enough weather to grow food in Oregon anymore. Everybody made a big show of spring, and gardening and seeds, and all that wonderful bullshit. And then they went to the store and bought Mexican tomatoes.the farmers market had “organic produce”, which was code for “boutique food”, extremely expensive as it was at Versaille, when Maria Antonnette had her cute little food, while the peasants couldn’t even get cake.. If you like “boutique tomatoes,” cute little expensive tomatoes at about five dollars apiece, they would look cute bronzed on your dresser.

But here in this stupid Safeway, nothing was boutique. Everything was antique. Old. All the old people were out, there were some rough looking customers, with shopping carts, looking out of place, and some guys who look like they should be in the merchant Marine. Either that or the real Marines. TOUGH. Not what I’d expect to see in Safeway on a weekday. And there were little kids everywhere, grabbing lots of sacks of overpriced Hershey’s chocolate. (I myself is skewed Hershey’s, in favor of imported 80 or 90% cocoa). So what was going on? Did any of them have cell phones? What did that have to do with anything? Was this going to be a “demonstration” of some kind? They had to have some kind of certificate from the city, to do that ahead of time or they get arrested. Anyhow, you can’t protest and revolt, without having a permit. That’s really unethical.

Suddenly, there was a lot of heat from over on that canned minestrone aisle; I thought that was unusual in Eugene during the summer we don’t have any heat or sunny here! If we do, it’s because world climate change is foisting a temporary solar flare on  us, and it is not summer. We don’t have summer here, we have warmer rain. Oh, and lots of cloudy skies. Lots of cloudy skies! But it looks like the canned minestrone ailse was on fire, and somebody had it torching his hand left over from a monster movie. Yes, the canned minestrone aile was on fire!the crowd became very restless and disruptive,enly I knew we were having a food fight. No, not a food fight, a food RIOT. Kind of a “common get it for yourself, and wipe the store out” type of riot.

And it must’ve been organized, because everybody was certainly taking charge, dumping huge amounts of food especially meat, into their shopping cart, and making for the door; or doors. Some of the clerks were getting in the way, and one of them got squashed by a very large woman in tennis shoes, who refused to be sidetracked. After that, the store clerk stayed out of the way, although one went for the phone to get the police

But, I think it was one of those days when all the police were off duty, because Lane County and city of Eugene, had decided to punish the voters for not putting in any more taxes, and had cut off most of their police force on your regular days starting with the  letter M..;.and every other letter in the alphabet. That made it simple. No police because you won’t vote in more taxes, we’re going to punish you you nasty voters!it was our fault for voting in Putin to the city hall.

there was a general rumble of shopping carts, hysterical gasps and groans, and jostling hungry people, and nobody could get out the door in time. You had to go over your fellow shopper, grab a bunch of nonexistent plastic bag you now had to pay for yourself, and head for the doors. Curses be if somebody got in your way.lots of people got their toes managed but since nobody could feel anymore, not having any nerves left in their bodies, nobody actually build anything. I blame the medical marijuana stores forgetting overenthusiastic with sales items. Whatever. Anyhow, it was general mayhem, and you had to get out of the way or get squashed, if you stood in front of anybody with a huge pile shopping cart, or a couple of loaded shoulder bags. The worst part was the BOOZE;some idiot actually thought that beer was  food, and they were taking out also. However we found out, there was a huge barrel of beer, for some reason, which was unusual for a supermarket weigh-in at back, and several guys were rolling it out through the rubber doors, heading for the front. I couldn’t believe it it even said COORS on it. Maybe the Mayor was having a keg party again. And I know she wasn’t going to pay for it herself, she was taking it out of small change at the office.

The biggest giveaway of all, that this had been planned, was that a well-known columnist from the Eugene register guard was there, with a nice large button that said PRESS on his coat. He looked familiar, but he also looks stupid, so I knew that was the newspaper. That’s how they all looked. They also wrote that way. No wonder the paper was going under.I wondered if they had sent their ace reporter, the guy who did cute little essays on Sundays, about the covered bridges. So cute. Or maybe they sent the lady who gave out all those horrible recipes in the women’s section. Anyhow, thank God I can’t afford to take the paper.but nobody was there with TV cameras. YET.

There was a huge log pileup, like a whole bunch of lumber in the River, heading for the mill, all clogged up, trying to get through the same entrance, and the beavers weren’t letting them through. A logjam, as contrary to a berry jam. God that was terrible. I needed the levity. What levity? But it was really hysterical and getting dangerous. When would the police come? Oh yeah, what police? We didn’t have those either. But the shop clerks and the store manager were starting to yell, and one of them had a bullhorn and was yelling through it “STOP NOW! STOP! ALL SHOPLIFTERS WILL BE PROSECUTED!” One of the shoppers next him, hit him over the head with a large can, suddenly, surprising him, and took his bullhorn away. And stuck it in his cart as he made for the door. Okay, so we weren’t in Albertsons. Albertsons has its own police force.

Myself, I realized that I had lost some weight, not from going on a diet, but from not having money, and I rummage through the  pastry section, and grabbed a bunch of Swedish, Danish, and otherwise big packages of pastry with filling, and a big can of almond paste. But I had to be quick, all the pastry was going fast. Soon the only thing left would be wheat bread, and nobody here wanted that. That was for the middle class yuppies, as these were a bunch of white bread eaters. But I could see the open door up ahead, and I was going to make it, the lady next to me had several dozen stakes, and a large roast, and I looked at the kids running beside her, he looked like he had ever seen anything like that. Like, “is that meat? Where does it come from? How come we haven’t had it before? Has it just been invented” kids say the darndest things when they’re on a run escaping through Safeway doors, helping their moms steal a bunch of food. Linkletter should’ve been here.

As the thundering herds were rumblings through the wide open doors, shoving the sales clerk aside, and aggravating the managereven further, because he had lost his bullhorn, heavy duty loud BANG suddenly went off, and everybody shook and looked around; somebody had let off a gun at the ceiling, and one of the florescent lights broke, crashed with a tinckle. But there was a sigh of relief, it wasn’t a cop, it was only some guy with a large Magnum, trying to be Clint Eastwood. He looked like a mental patient. I mean, he was a regular Eugene resident. And he looked okay, he was waving the gun around, grinning, through broken teeth, and a large beard, and uncut hair and lots of whiskers. It was okay, the law wasn’t here, it was only harmless regular rioting for Oregonians, out for a little picnic.I also noticed he had a button on his label that said “OCCUPY”, so it was distinctly okay. Absolutely okay.

I had already gotten through the door, and was counting my purchases, I mean gifts, and noticing that the entire store was really heating up with the fire, and they better get everything out soon or all the chocolate was going to melt. And they were going to have an uncomfortable barbecue in the meat section. Of course there wasn’t any meat left by this time, and the shoppers were rumbling through running galloping and crowding through, shopping carts flailing, lots of people carrying huge packages, and even lentils. I guess anybody would eat anything when they’re hungry. I didn’t see any Indian priests though, so I guess there were too many desires for human and stuff like that.

Oh my God! How is this going to end? What was going to happen? Who was going to do what? Was I going to get caught with all that pastry?what about the meat market, would they get pissed off because of this? Would Safeway decide to get out of Eugene altogether? Maybe they would shut down some more stores. Who cared? We could always hit Albertsons and Fred Myers next time, and not give them any notice ahead of time. But who was that coming in the door, was that the black Maria?( more next episode, while I get the canned olive oil out from underneath my feet, so I don’t slip on the floor and bash my head in.)

Safeway supermarket sweepstakes extravaganza!

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