Monthly Archives: December 2015






It was right before Xmas; I had sent no cards, except “E-cards” cause I no longer made them.And someone from the Lane County care-givers dept. had stolen  my old, expensive metal watercolor  set. Wow!!  She was introduced by a friend,I made her a cuppa coffee, and when I turned my back to use the bathroom, she was gone and so were all my expensive watercolors. 

It was an Oregon problem; theft, burglary, bad computer repair. Even hopped-up-on-drugs- computer repairman. It was an “Oregon-situational problem.” A nice way to say that Lane County and Eugene were full of low-bred, poor and itchy fingered denizens. You had to be very careful who you let in your house or apt.

And those were just the University students. The HOMELESS had their own currency; your bicycle, if you left it outside your house or in public. This I was told by an LTD bus driver.

“I wish you would say something positive about Eugene,” one person in the group complained.”OK, I positively wish I was living in Springfield,”I answered. “No one will give me a decent price for my place.”  “That bunch of tiny new houses next to you,” said Carolin,” are all sold except for one or two; and a tiny land plot is going for $75. They can’t sell em all, and they are cheap.” 

“You just named my problem,”I answered, swilling milk;”no one wants to live in Eugene now.They all are moving to Springfield.”  “Me for Nova Scotia!!” said one gin-drinker.”Its been upscaled-price wise,”  I  said.”Try a struggling cheaper state, maybe Southern.” “How about an island??” another one said, swilling fruit juice. “That, “I answered ” is hard cause the ocean being higher & the hurricaines, is drowning em all.  Islanders are fleeing.”

“South America is inundated by Europeans and Asians, where is there left to flee to, that’s not over-populated and expensive?” another fruit-drinker asked.”Nowhere; there’s no secret places on earth;  i’d live in a big desert if I could. Eugene is a main-fleeing-point.” I replied.—“And fled FROM, TOO, “commented fruit-drinker #1.”It’s this “brave new world”, all nations connected,by business,money,products, economies, and the Web.”I yawned. “There’s no place to leave it all behind; even Romania is gentrifying. the eastern-European nations are expensive and fled-to.”

Our little leisure group of Eugene women,. fruit-drinkers, milk, gin, and coconut milk grew quiet.But the planet was NOISY;TOO noisy. Unstable, and invading each other.The Russians invaded their neighbors. The Americans invaded the Middle-east; ISIS was invading Turkey, and trying to invade Europe; (and doing it,too) California  and NYC  invaded the Pacific Northwest; OR invaded Utah and the Chinese invaded Idaho, and dozens of other states, buying up all the land.

Foreign powers’ millions invaded the Clinton charity fund, and powerful Asian nations secretly invaded the US govt. and forced it into “deals.” ???  Don’t ask me,I’m not the fly on the wall!! Ask your local democrat-leader, and ask them How much they sold us out for.

Meanwhile, speaking of selling,  because of the forced gun control laws, Americans were buying weapons and ammo like crazy.Even moderate Liberals were buying hand-guns.  Obama was so impotent in leadership, everyone in the USA was SCARED. OBAMA was green-oriented, but not oriented to ACTION. He could dish it out, but he couldn’t take it, or DO IT, either.


Someone said that last remark, and we all started giggling. “Do you realize that Obama was the scrawny kid in school, all the ball-players beat up on? And no one would probably date him? — But he was probably the king of the Debating club, cause he was so good at it; TALKING? He could convince a rattle-snake not to bite him??—and them go behind the snake,and chop off it’s TAIL?”  one person said. HAH HAH HAH went the group. I choked on my milk.

“Yes,” I finally replied,”and we elected him PREZ?? of the country?”

That abruptly sobered us all up.

“Aren’t we going to discuss “God and the Creator” tonight?” one member asked. “Why” replied fruit-#2; “Who cares what’s doing it all? makes no diff!!” “We planned on talking about what God really is,” replied the other. “Better to just ACCEPT IT, ” replied #2,” admit life is bad, tragic, mean, and there are no happy endings. you die, its over.The End. And before you die, life stinks. NO happy endings  either.””Now that i’m old,” I replied, “The only reason for living is not to desert my poor cat. I’m her 2nd old owner.”

“But there  must be SOME REASON we’re here on the planet,” said the other-not-#2. “I know that one,” I raised my hand” to destroy it!” HAR DE HAR HAR!! “wELL, WE’RE ACCOMPLISHING THAT,” SNICKERED cAROLIN,”lOOK AT THE WORLD; LOOK AT eugene —!!!”  duh.  😦  “Don’t you want to belie4ve in a God?” continued our optimist.”Why?? He sure screwed over most folks on earth; and a lot of poor animals too!!! God is a cruel fucker!” replied our realist.”When you die, you’ll go badly, probably in horrid pain, or in a pile of yer shit,or without your brain!!!”

We stared at her;”I don’t wanta remember my mom’s death,” said one.”I gave her a ton of painkillers,and brandy to wash it down;she couldn’t do anything any more.She was suffering.” “That’s horrible,” said, the optimist”.”No,” replied the kind one,”We made a deal; Her kids would not let her  starve to death,in pain,in a rest home,alone.Rest homes have no mercy.   We both, my sister and I, took turns taking care of her.  She made us promise to help her,when time came.” “I have my yew tree all picked out,”I replied.”___if I can find a good nursery with one.”

They all looked the question at me. I just smiled. “Don’t worry,” I said,” We ARE discussing our subject.”

And with that, the whole group had a big shot of gin, even the tea-totalers. After all, we were all kinda OLD, we needed it.

“You think Oregon will win against Corvallis?” asked the optimist, suddenly. “Hah, now yer talkin’!!” said fruit-#2,”THAT is an IMPORTANT subject!!!” 

And that;s what we discussed, finally, the important things.–the real ones. Not God, not Heaven, not philosophy, but things right now; the only thing that DOES exist.


(Sandraminadotty, stuffed full of coconut milk, coconut-BUTTER–and hot ,dark chocolate—-for which I am thankful!!!   🙂     )



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Caroline, par usual, is looking over my shoulder to see what I am typing with my own little arthritic-swelled-joint hands. “The Dragon Naturally Speaking Version 9, home, didn’t work?” she asked pointedly. “NO, ” I replied gruffly, hunting and pecking the blog piece by piece.”NO, the damn computer-repair guy fouled me up, cost me money, and I have no typing program any how. So much for computer help from Craig’s list!!”  “Maybe you should go back to the old retired engineer who fixes senior computers,” she said._carbonatom__by_waluigi_prower-d33c8ie

“He is somewhere else now, I can’t even find him!!” I replied.”He’s probably hiding from the IRS; as aren’t we all? that is, we POOR RETIRED and low-income workers are!!! WE;RE the ones they go after, not the billionaires; we’re too visible to escape!!”soapboxmad1106

“Yes,” she replied,” I know; weren’t you going to find out if Cyber Monday really had REAL DEALS, or not?” “It won’t take me long to type this, altho it’s in stamp-size pieces,( I’m trying to bake muffins, write this review, and take a bath all at the same time.”I said. chococherry_cupcake_free_avvie_by_r0se_designs-d4915x3gif

“Still falling for that old myth about female-multi-tasking, are you?” she tsk-tsked. “Yah, ” I sloughed off, keeping on, “I am such a creature of bad habits; I did fall for the old feminine myth, “You can do it all, have it all, and not go insane doing it, women!!!”  “Thank God you did come to your senses, and didn’t have kids!!” she whistled. “You are absolutely correct, ” I smiled, as I quit this article, to go take aspirin for the hen-peck-typing that was killing my finger joints.

(More later, from this Dragon-less old lady) getting-stoned (meanwhile, relax!!!)

OK, we’re back; my Paul Prudhomne corn-bread muffins came out perfectly, yum!! no thanks to me, its a simple recipe. But how’s my recipe for actually finding a good, nylon bag/purse on Cyber-shopping week?

Answer; not so good._rain__by_cubicinsanity-d51ju2r

I first try to google “tough, nylon purses sale”, and I get new ones on Zappos, Overstock, ect. the big guys. Co-incidentally, some of these big retailers have “reviews” by customers, the way Amazon does._iconfurrydanceplz__by_Sleath

And what do I find on many, “nylon,polyester, bags, purses, and messenger bags”? I find many buyers angry about the QUALITY of the merch.” One review  says, “This bag is very badly made, the inside wore out; this is a COPY of their original good bag, it a junky-copy!  ” burgerbunny_tard_contest_entry_by_mixedmilkchocolate We find that a lot; we find cheap, junky copies of original good merchandise and THAT is what many big apparel co.s are doing now. NOT SELLING YOU THE ORIGINAL, but cheap junk made to RESEMBLE the original good  stuff.  We already are thinking “these cyber-sales are NOT full of good  merch. They are big companies giving you DISHONEST JUNK , on a FAKE SALE!”action_figures_by_kath602-d32sstm

HOW can you tell a real sale from a fake? these little customer reviews help, so does the “customer-grape-vine” where ever you find it. No, these big companies think customers are DUMB, and we long-time buyers and bargain-warriors can’t sniff out fake sales selling fake junk! (Example, has to be carefully watched, I refuse to buy from them unless I know I can return it.Especially “tech  stuff.”blue_ball_project__entry_2_by_emotikonz

WELL, ROAMANS AND LANE  BRYANT, SUCK IT UP!arwenpandora After you’ve  sent me junk clothing on your clearance sale, instead of REAL end-of-season stuff, I stop buying at “sales” and “clearance” completely. That sale  on bras that SHRINK when you wash them, at Sears, is a good example. BYE, BYE, SEARS! Next time I  consider buying a bra from you, on sale, I’ll either only pay $1. for it, or I won’t buy it at all!

I even do “nylon purses and bags” search on Ebay, and I find supposidly good used bags, for way too much in shipping, and cost.”Look,Caroline,” I point out  one photo” this seller s trying to sell you a worn-out purse, high shipping, bad condition, and this item should be in THRIFT FOR 50 CENTS!!cool.gif taoemo WHAT s going on with these ass-holes?  no wonder thrift has nothing, or it’s  expensive; all the thrift-junk is on Ebay!!  Christ!!”   I apologise to the deity, he was a rabbi, and Jewish. I doubt HE would like this.0ee894bbb72e3473d36205982cefc6dd-d6vqt46kissthegirl

“What are you thinking?” asked Caroline. I was angry and pressed; “The whole world of manufacture is on it’s ear; you can’t buy anything that won’t fall apart, not work,(  THANK YOU, BILL GATES! r13.jpg not hair cut in months AND WINDOWS!)  Even purses and bags!  I recommend, “buy what MEN buy, not what WOMEN buy. Especially all mens’ sporting goods.  Try that. I already have to buy clothing for hunting, sports, ect. that men buy. Big companies are more scared of the male sex. Women they lure and cheat,_forcehug__by_darkmoon3636 and hypnotize, but men who need rain wear to go out hunting; they would get very bugged by bad stuff. They might even STOP BUYING completely, and start wearing tarps or plastic tents to go hunting. and they would REALLY complain..”6412

“WHOM do we know, started the athletic and gym-shoes? with  air support? _dodgeball__by_leoleonardoso now sneakers and sports-shoes are for everyone?  Mens’ sports!!”   i finished. “I still buy mens’ athletic shoes, ” chuckles Caroline. “Me, too, we both have  big feet.” I grinned.”The other recommendation I have, which will be hard to do, is STOP BUYING STUFF. DON’T BUY unless everything’s falling apart. you gotta buy. Do not buy from huge retailers, even on the Net.”winter_avatar_by_kinnisonarc-d33zb9y

  Caroline moaned,”there are only huge retailers,” and I replied, “Whatever you do, do not reward junky-sales and junky-merch. by buying it. Start sewing;shocked_by_an_eel_by_joshr691-d4byoec (1)I am going back to sewing clothing. I’ll have to peruse thrift stores(if there are any.)  but , yes, even phone, email or write to cheating junky companies, and say,”I am not buying yer junk any more.” (Not even you, Vogue magazine!!)daisyhamham

I have now shopped St. Vincent De Paul, and Good Will,& Salvation Army in Eugene, OR.And I find them VERY EXPENSIVE._lick__by_CookiemagiK

“WOW,”I comment to Caroline, as we look for purses;”I thought thrift was cheaper!” “Not  in Eugene, EVERYTHING  IS EXPENSIVE IN EUGENE.” says Carolinebounceavatar_by_a_kid_at_heart-d5ssr4j.”Try a  different  state.Oregon the Gentrified, is expensive now.”said Caroline,  sneering.”St. Vincent is a non-profit big business  here, which employs all the out-of-workers and provides their housing. We’re the  Welfare State; so business does not like it here. Capitalism has been  scared right out of Oregon.” “That explains all the low  wages,”‘ I  sigh._fuckthis__by_crakaemotes (1) “No employer has to pay much; there’s no competition.”  “Absolutely!” exclaims Caroline, turning up her nose at a worn out  purse.”You can come from India, with an  Indian call center, land in Oregon or Eugene, and hire people here for  peanuts.”_RopeSwing__by_DEVlANT

I reply, “But Lane county takes all the poor, and  homeless! Isn’t that good of them?” “If you want to wind up the way India used to be, before they got all the businesses, ” frowned Caroline.”abandon_all_hope_sign_by_sanguineepitaph-d36w8mi ALL POOR ALL THE TIME. What businesses can stay alive in nations where everyone has no money  to spend?”   “Oops, ” I said, thinking;”No matter  all our big businesses went FLOP!NO CONSUMERS!” “Yeah,” relied Caroline, “‘Worn out nylon purses  they try to sell on Ebay, cost as much as new ones.” “That website is so over,” I sighed.”girl-says-no-no-smiley-emoticon There are NO good deals on there any more.sigh.”

I even, in my folly, consider going back  to mail-order-catalogs, but THEIR merchandise is only flying-helicopter as  good as if you can cheaply send it back. Forget nylon purses;  how do I buy good dictationware,  software now?  DOES  ANYONE make it good any more? Reviews on Amazon said Dragon was bad. WHO DO  I BUY FROM?-NO ONE?   Do I hire some poor schlub peanuts to type this blog?computernotfixthrow

Not such a crazy idea, oh citizens of Decaying Ancient Rome!  SLAVERY.  bummy1

But we have skipped the subject of”Cyber-Net-Sales-Wek” but not really.This sale week is only a manipulation by lying huge  businesses,Boring_TV_Revamp_by_Davidgtza2 to convince consumers that buying from them ONLINE is cheaper and better. NO-WAY-JO-SE! Not unless you can buy a good quality product for much less money, that you really NEED. So  where’s my dictation-ware? aha, you’re beginning to get it,  consumer!_ILIKEHOTGIRLS__by_crula (1)

THERE IS  NONE. IF there is, send us a comment, I wanta know! _Snowden__by_DEVlANT Good Shopping Luck, stay home and try making people presents; its fun!  🙂  😀_iconflyingheartsplz__by_dreamon_mpak-d4x67f9

(Sandramminadotty, chat98.gifhellokittywand in expensive Eugene OR; maybe shop in Springfield or Salem? ) relax some more. blackiceduh.yay_b_mo__stamp_by_wolfy_lemur-d5aewns   _ILIKEFEEDINGBATS__by_crulaLight_VS_Dark_by_UzumakiSlumpBallZyoutube_support_theatre_by_MenInASuitcase_revenge___tard_Mona_Lisa_by_KimRaiFan


(the above LINK discusses all ONLINE AUCTIONS, and numerous comments on who’s good who’s bad!!! Hope it helps!!   🙂 
